Watch the big match or sleep with a supermodel that is the question  Every footballing fan across Europe dreams of seeing their team in the final of the Champions League, the top prize in European football. Now the question has been asked, how far would you actually go and what would you give up if it would guarantee your place taking their place in the Wembley showpiece.

One Poll recently ran a poll for Heineken that sheds some light on the extreme lengths that football fans would go it, and it goes along way to proving that football is ‘the other woman’ in the lives of many men. Half of the fans questioned said they would happily forfeit a date with a supermodel to see their team in the final. Not only supermodels miss out though; friends and family would also take second place to lifting the trouble.

Friend’s weddings, stag parties, meeting their girlfriend’s parents for the first time and the birth of a child were also events that footie fans would be happily prepared to miss for the moment of glory at Wembley. It may sound extreme, but it seems that footie fans take their sport very seriously indeed. Although if you had to give up the chance of a date with any of these lovely ladies it might be best not to let on about it. Many would tell you to keep your head down and wear some dark sunglasses. No one wants to be known as that football fan who gave up the chance of a date with a supermodel. Over 5000 fans across the globe were surveyed, and Hans Erik Tuijyt admitted even he was surprised at how important the sport they call the ‘beautiful game’ is to the ardent fans.

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