The big match in your local  The local field may not be the best place to watch the big match, after last Saturday when Sky screened the Manchester United and Chelsea Premier League game in 3D to over 1,000 pubs.

Those who now cannot score tickets for Old Trafford can instead head the local pub where they can grab 3D glasses and a pint while they watch Didier Drogba rack up the goals

Although the installation of 3D televisions and equipment has been expensive for pubs, the payoff may be large with some already asking customers to reserve viewing space as they anticipate a large amount of excited fans to show up.

Commercial manager at Walkabout, a popular chain of Australian styled pubs, James Mawer said that 35 of their chain pubs will  be screening the next game which is likely going to lead to ticket selling in the future as an increasing amount of people are booking their viewing spots in advance. 

Mawer said that they will continue to gauge the response of customers but early research suggests some will pay up to six or seven pounds to get inside for a 3D match viewing.

Walkabout has been hit hard with the smoking ban and the recession which in turn has also hit many other pubs forcing the Australian bars to close down about 52 last year.  However, Mawer suggested that the 3D football matches may be the key to getting customers back in their doors as the appeal of watching live sports mixed with drinking has never faded away.

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