Gordon Taylor comments on Manchester City Tevez situation  Gordon Taylor is the Chief Executive of the Professional Footballers Association that has recently commented that the situation between Manchester City and Carlos Tevez becomes more impossible with each day. The striker for the team had been on a visit to his home country in Argentina and he is now remaining there despite his club requesting that he comes home. It has been reported that there are still negotiations going on between representatives of the player and the club’s officials.

In an interview Taylor commented, “The longer he remains out of the country the worse the situation is going to become. The trip back home is unauthorised in the first place and this saga of him refusing to play has been dragging on since September.”

He initially failed to return after the clubs first request and he simply did not show up the training. This has caused a greater the speculation over the player’s intentions and his actual whereabouts. Reports in South America suggest that he is remaining there because he is medically incapable of leaving.

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