Goal line technology to be used in Premier League  Controversial goal line decisions should become a thing of the past and no longer be a feature of the game after the current Premier League season. According to Richard Scudamore, Chief Executive of the Premier League, modern technology will be brought in before next year’s season.

Scudamore has vowed to deliver and improve standards both on and off the football field. Goal line technology trials will continue through the year, according to the International Football Association Board, the association which controls the rules of the game. Sepp Blatter, the FIFA president has always opposed the use of technology but has now been forced to reconsider and an introduction is realistic in the forthcoming year.

Players do their utmost to score or prevent goals and fans become hoarse in their vocal support. Goals can make or break a player or managers career. The technology is accessible and it is important to be fair to all. If allowed the Premier League would put the technology in place immediately.

A select committee report on the future of football will shortly be delivered. But the report creates a degree of negativity after the inquiry had heard evidence from a number of witnesses including former FA chief executive, Ian Watmore and ex-chairman Lord Triesman, who focused on the poor rapport between the Premier League and the FA.

Scudamore cannot agree English football is broken and in need of saving. The Premier League has had a very good year and despite the poor showing in South Africa and the 2018 World Cup disappointment, English football goes from strength to strength. The FA needs to deal with the issues.

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