David Beckham’s Olympic dream  Despite being 36 years old, David Beckham still wants to play for his country in the Olympic Games which are taking place next year. The player has said that he still has the desire and determination to play and  has said that competing in the Olympic Games is a key goal in his career.

The football tournament that takes place at the Olympic Games is primarily for people under the age of 23, however three players who are older than this are allowed to compete. Stuart Pearce is organising the squad for the Olympic Games and it seems as if he is considering Beckham for the squad.

Beckham has commented, “It would be a great honour to be chosen to play for my country and despite people saying that I am too old, I do still play for the country and have been doing so for a long time. I’m still fit and enjoy playing so I’m not done yet.”

Some people have criticised David Beckham saying that he lacks pace and his playing is predictable, often this criticism comes not because of his age but because of his style of playing. However Mr Beckham seems unaffected by those people who want him to leave football behind.

Right now, Beckham is dedicated to helping his current team, LA Galaxy win the trophy in the Major Soccer League which is currently taking place in the United States. Several clubs in the UK have also shown an interest in recruiting him into their current squad, he has said, “To be considered for such great teams at this late stage in my career is a great honour.”

Beckham has not said much about his plans for after he retires, but many expect that he would take a franchise share in the American league.

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