The FA were the failures in World Cup bid  The Football Association failed to learn its lesson from previous attempts says a report from MPs about the failed bid to host the World Cup in 2018. The Cup was awarded to Russia as England only could muster two votes. A number of necessary components seemed to be missing from England’s bid the report said. It criticises FIFA’s respond to their trouble with bribery claims and said the FA should hold a review.

England was knocked out in the first round even though they had the help of David Beckham and Prince William as their figureheads of their December presentation in Zurich.

The culture, media and sport committee released the report and stated that it appeared lessons were not learned with regard to unity and composition of the bid team and what it needed to project. The FA responded by saying that were already working on issues that were related to the report.

An FA spokesperson said the FA made their position clear for the need of reform within FIFA at a recent congress held by FIFA and they welcome the committees shared views in this regard. The FA’s present focus is on working harder to become stronger with all football clubs in order to build more enduring and stronger international relationships.

The MPs also supported the decision of BBC to screen a documentary by Panorama with regard to corruption allegations within FIFA in the same week votes were submitted. Allegations into the unethical behavior made by the leader of the former England 2018 bid Lord Triesman towards four FIFA members which eventually lead to the FA commissioning James Dingemas to investigate the matter further.