Mayor of London Boris Boris calls on South Africa to back London  Johnson has asked South Africa to back the England bid to host the World Cup in 2018, stating that England would be a great host, and would produce an amazing tournament, given the fact that London is one of most cosmopolitan cities across the globe.

Johnson continued to emphasize the bid, stating that London already has the facilities, including the Olympic Park stadium, which is under construction, as well as other great stadiums such as Wembley and the Emirates.  He also stated that FIFA marketing would excel in London, and the city itself loves the game.

In addition he added that London will leverage contacts for FIFA, and help bring world football to greater recognition across the world, while at the same time the tournament could help stimulate the economy by about £3b.

The Mayor continued to say that he has been watching South Africa host the world cup, and commented that Cape Town is unique, but London is of course, in his un-biased and humble opinion is the greatest city in the world.

Johnson also commented that the vuvuzela horn is quite interesting and allows fans to express themselves, but he has to wonder if that detracts from the game a bit, given the fact it has sort of an endless monotone.

Johnson also commented that Robert Green was in the right, stating that he made a great save in the game against the USA.

Police warn against rowdy behaviour during World Cup  The Association of Chief Police Officers has warned football fans that while watching the World Cup they should monitor their drinking and stay out of trouble, because disorderly conduct will be punished.

In fact, outside of court punishments, troublemakers may also face football banning orders.

The World Cup runs up until July 11th, during which time Dave Thompson, an Assistant Chief Constable has stated fans will be encouraged to enjoy watching the matches, but will need to stay safe by drinking responsibly.

Thompson went on to say that football disorder and violence will not be tolerated and any offenders will be dealt with in a robust manner.  According to him, this may mean football banning orders and arrests.

Acpo, the representative organization of senior offices in Northern Ireland, England, and Wales has also warned fans to watch out for suspicious behaviour and terrorism.  It also stated that they will be increasing their resources around the match times of England games.

Acpo also stated that they will be working on a co-ordinate response for any disorder that is widespread and long lasting.

Thompson stated that the police are aware people will want to celebrate and have a few drinks, but the police simply asks that each person takes care of themselves by watching their belongings and making safe plans for the night.

Just as the World Cup kicks off, it’s sobering to think that the World’s biggest sporting event requires a huge amount of insurance cover.  Everything from natural disasters and terrorism to player injuries and household damage, there are a huge amount of eventualities must be insured for, which means that there is a multi billion pound risk industry that surrounds the World Cup.

Here are some example World Cup Risk Factors:

FIFA alone has purchased $650 million in insurance for total cancellation of the World Cup 2010

22% have seen friends or family spill food or drink while watching sport on TV – Indian food caused the worst stains, leading insurers to urge football fans not to get “curried away”

A footballer at the peak of his career who is playing for one of their nation’s top leagues, could be covered by approximately £50 million worth of insurance

David Beckham has taken out the biggest personal insurance policy in sporting history at £100 million

In 2006, Paul Hucker from Ipswich took out insurance against ‘football trauma’ so that he would be compensated with £1m in damages if England were knocked out early of the World Cup

Watch this video to learn more fascinating facts about the World Cup insurance industry.

England Playboy Bunny outfit for World Cup 2010  In time for the start of World Cup 2010 action, Playboy is launching the first ever supporters kit exclusively for women.

English bunnies can get their hands on an official England flag Playboy Bunny costume just in time for kick off on 11th June from

The costume, complete with ears, collar and cuffs, can be purchased for £45 and for a limited time only.  There is also a 10% discount available if you use the code MISSIMOBUNNY.

Kick4Life Charity to run one of the FIFA 20 centres for 2010 in Lesotho  Kick4Life, a UK charity backed by the Vodafone Foundation to tackle the AIDS crisis in Lesotho in Southern Africa, announced it had been selected by FIFA to host a sport, health and education centre as part of ’20 Centres for 2010’ campaign.

In 2008, England Manager Fabio Capello visited a Kick4Life event in Lesotho where he witnessed a young boy being tested for HIV. It was here he called upon the world of football to do more in the fight against disease and poverty.

Kick4Life Charity to run one of the FIFA 20 centres for 2010 in Lesotho  The ‘20 Centres for 2010’ will help increase awareness about HIV/AIDS, increase literacy, improve gender equality, integrate youth with intellectual disabilities and promote development in other targeted ways, leaving a social legacy for the African continent.

Kick4Life have spent the past four years delivering a range of programmes focused on tackling HIV by providing sports-based health education, voluntary testing, life-skills development and support into education and employment.

Steve Fleming, Kick4Life Co-Founder said:

“Being selected as a centre host as part of the official World Cup campaign is a fantastic development for Kick4Life that will provide a first class sports, health and education facility right in the heart of Maseru, Lesotho’s capital. It will enable us to deliver activities to thousands of orphans and vulnerable children in an aspirational setting, and become, we hope, a centre of excellence for the use of football as a tool for social development.”

Capello offered his congratulations at the announcement: “I have seen first hand how Kick4Life is actually changing lives for the better. This summer all eyes will be on South Africa, and it is my hope that we can harness the power of the game to transform the lives of some of the world’s most disadvantaged people, and continue to fight this disease”.

Kick 4 Life is a registered charity funded by The Vodafone Foundation. For more information & to see how you can get involved go to