Vanessa Perroncel talks about John Terry affair  Ah well, we’ll probably never know the whole, true story, but then the participants seem a little uncertain themselves.  A few facts are available, however.  One is that England’s John Terry was divested of his captaincy of the national soccer team as a result of allegations that he had or was having an affair with Vanessa Perroncel, the French lingerie model.

Terry was and is married and the father of twins.  Vanessa’s boyfriend before the alleged affair was Wayne Bridge, teammate and ‘close friend’ of John Terry.  When the rumours started flying, Terry tried to get a gag order to keep the whole thing quiet.  That didn’t work very well.

Today, in her first TV interview since the affair was ‘discovered’, Vanessa Perroncel talked with Kate Garraway of GMTV.  When asked if she did have an affair with Terry, Vanessa insisted that they were “just friends”.  She also said that the allegations about being paid to keep quiet were utterly false, and she “didn’t take a penny from him.”  Vanessa also seems to believe that Toni Poole, Terry’s wife, believes her denials.

Whatever she did or did not do, Vanessa repeats, “there was no malicious intent.”  She says that she hopes to get back together with Wayne Bridge, the father of her 3-year-old son.  He was “the one”, she says, but their relationship suffered from too much absence on his part, and so far Wayne hasn’t come forward to give us his opinion on the situation.

Vanessa Perroncel still wants Wayne  Even though Vanessa Perroncel humiliated Wayne Bridge when she had an affair with his teammate John Terry, and potentially breaking up his marriage, Perroncel still declared that she loves Bridge and would love to get back together with him for the sake of their son who is three years old.

Perroncel is said to have told friends that she realizes Bridge is hurting terribly but that she still loves him and she would love to have him back for her and son Jaydon.  She went on to say that she realizes it must have been a terrible week for him as she has been forced to read stories about her sex life that she regards mostly as lies.

Friends of Perroncel stated that she was devastated when the public discovered her affair with Terry.  Since the news came out she has only seen Bridge once briefly when he came to pick up her son.

Perroncel’s close friend Antonia Graham stated that she never stopped loved Bridge but is unsure if he still feels the same way about her.  Her friend also stated that their split during the summer was due to a large number of small things, and that she still wants to spend her life with him despite breaking off the engagement.

Terry also suffered from the fallout with his wife taking a period away from him in Dubai to consider if she will leave him or not, and the loss of his job as England’s captain last Friday.

John Terry’s wife leaves him and flies to Dubai  John Terry’s wife left Britain for Dubai after declaring to Terry that their marriage was over.

Toni Terry, his wife, was reportedly destroyed after finding out that the star Chelsea footballer was cheating on her with his team-mate Wayne Bridge’s girlfriend.

After telling Terry that she wanted a divorce she took her twins to Dubai.

Friends reported that Toni was torn apart by the news that Terry had cheated twice a week for four months on her with Vanessa Perroncel. This is in the face of Terry’s Dad of the Year award in 2009.

According to her friends, the last straw came when she learned that Terry had arranged for Perroncel to have an abortion after Terry found out she had become pregnant.

Toni left Saturday night for the Gulf accompanied by her three year old twins and her mother.  At the moment she is looking at retaining the services of Fiona Shackleton, a top divorce lawyer, to ensure she gets at least half of Terry’s fortune.

Terry is thought to earn about £8m per year.  He also enjoys several sponsorship deals with Umbro, Nationwide, and Samsung as well as owning two lavish properties and a handful of luxury cars.

However, legal experts say that if Toni files for divorce his lifestyle may end given that he could owe over £10m to her. A source close to Toni stated that she has had more than she can take and is fairly certain that she wants a divorce at this point.