The BBC is set to broadcast all of the UEFA European Women’s Championship games that take place in Sweden next July. As part of the deal, the network will have the rights to show live coverage exclusively of all three of England’s matches including both the final and the two semi-finals. The coverage will be aired on BBC Two and BBC Three.

All off the other peak time matches will also be aired on BBC Three. Four years ago when the Women’s Championship games were held in Germany Hope Powell’s team ended up suffering a 6-2 loss to Germany. They were selected to play in the July tournament due to a spectacular win over Croatia of 3-0 last September that left them eligible for the Championship.

At the Championship the women’s team will face Russia, France, and Spain during the group heats. Barbara Slater, the BBC Director, stated that they are very happy to be adding the UEFA European Women’s Championship to their strong portfolio of women’s sports that will premier on the station.