Ryan Giggs and David Beckham consider team GB  Ryan Giggs and David Beckham have recently indicated that they would like to be considered for the football team competing at the 2012 Olympics. Nearly 100 players received letters from the Football Association inviting them to apply to be part of the Olympic team. Currently only seven of those selected have refused the invitation.

They can be three overage players selected for the squad and Giggs and Beckham are hoping that they will be two of these players selected for the team. The letter asked players to write back if they did not want to be included in the selection and the vast majority have not. Darryl Seibel is from the Olympic Association and he has stated, “The players understand what an opportunity this is for them to perform at the highest level of their sport.

The fact that we have only seen a few refusals confirms what we expected, that there will be a very big interest among players in the sport to compete for the British team at the Olympic Games this summer.” There has been no information released about the players who have refused to be selected but it is known they are from several clubs across the country.