Ashley Cole is ready to share a dressing room with England’s Rio Ferdinand after a statement saying that he believes that they can be pals again. Ferdinand and Cole fell out over Cole’s support of John Terry the Blues skipper.

However, Ferdinand may return for an international run with Cole when England attempts to take the World Cup qualifiers against Poland and San Marino.

Hodgson, the boss of England, has not spoken to Rio since he chose not to take him on the Euro 2012 squad, but now that Terry has decided to drop out of the world of international football he will have to do something.

Hodgson is not excited about the idea to take the Manchester United player back on his team, but Cole wants to make it clear that his strained relationship should not be a factor in the decision.

Cole was on the defence for Terry in a courtroom case against that charged Terry of racially abusing Rio’s brother. Terry was cleared of all of the charges but Ferdinand ended up with a FA fine after re-tweeting a racial comment against Cole.

There have been quite a few instances of footballers getting into trouble because of comments that they have made on the social networking site, Twitter. The latest is Rio Ferdinand, the Manchester United and England defender. He has been charged by the FA after he allegedly endorsed the term ‘choc-ice’ on the site.

This comes at the same time as former England captain, John Terry, is defending a charge of racism after allegedly abusing Anton Ferdinand, Rio’s brother. Now FA chairman, David Bernstein, has spoken at a meeting of guests from FIFA and ‘Kick it Out’, the anti-racism group within football.

At the meeting, at Wembley, Mr. Bernstein said that there will be ‘tough’ consequences for anyone found guilty of discriminatory abuse. He said that the regulatory bodies must continue to take a hard stance on this and that it also included sites such as Twitter as well as on the pitch and in the stands.

Five by Rio Ferdinand, new fashion footwear  It looks as if Rio Ferdinand will miss the start of the season and won’t get back on the field until September, according to Sir Alex Ferguson, manager of Manchester United.  The damaged knee ligament that kept him from the World Cup has not healed quite as fast as originally forecast, but the injured captain has not been entirely idle.  Last week Ferdinand was in London to launch his new collection of footwear fashion for men, which he’s calling ‘Five by Rio Ferdinand’ – or just ‘Five’.

Rio designed the collection for Strutt Couture, named it for his jersey number and has already found a space in Manchester, i.e. Aspecto in the city centre and at Trafford Centre, to showcase his stuff.  He told interviewers that he is always looking for interests outside of football and that fashion is one of his passions.

There are 24 different shoe styles in the Autumn/Winter collection including boots and trainers and ranging from classic to casual.  The collection also includes accessories for men, wallets and ‘manbags’.  Sure, there are plenty of skeptics, but Rio’s shoes actually look pretty good, and he’s never been one to let a little opposition bother him.