Alex Ferguson draws the line,.. At coloured boots  The English football Premier League has not had a good last few weeks with tabloids featuring the indiscretions of many of its star players almost every day.

Although Ashley Cole’s troubled marriage to Cheryl Cole and John Terry’s adulterous affair have been pretty horrible for the football teams, and the fact that Portsmouth is threatened with a wind up order after the financial mismanagement of the bottom club.

However, while the world’s wealthiest sporting team is out searching for a moral compass, Sir Alex Ferguson may be able to help out by taking a strong stand against vivid bright coloured football boots.  According to his new rules, all of the junior players on the Manchester team will have to wear old school black any time they are on club business.

Defender John O’Shea stated that the restrictions are to help the players from being singled out if they are playing poorly and that once a team earns a spot on the first team squad or reserve then they can wear flashy colours.

Although it may seem as if Ferguson’s change is simply cosmetic, the truth is that the collared boot has represented football’s popularity over the last twenty years and its absence in junior players may help restore honour and order to wear it is due.

Before Ferguson’s announcement people were already getting tired of the collared boots with youth team coach of the Queens Park Rangers, Marc Bircham, banning his players from wearing them because of how flashy they look.