Police warn against rowdy behaviour during World Cup  The Association of Chief Police Officers has warned football fans that while watching the World Cup they should monitor their drinking and stay out of trouble, because disorderly conduct will be punished.

In fact, outside of court punishments, troublemakers may also face football banning orders.

The World Cup runs up until July 11th, during which time Dave Thompson, an Assistant Chief Constable has stated fans will be encouraged to enjoy watching the matches, but will need to stay safe by drinking responsibly.

Thompson went on to say that football disorder and violence will not be tolerated and any offenders will be dealt with in a robust manner.  According to him, this may mean football banning orders and arrests.

Acpo, the representative organization of senior offices in Northern Ireland, England, and Wales has also warned fans to watch out for suspicious behaviour and terrorism.  It also stated that they will be increasing their resources around the match times of England games.

Acpo also stated that they will be working on a co-ordinate response for any disorder that is widespread and long lasting.

Thompson stated that the police are aware people will want to celebrate and have a few drinks, but the police simply asks that each person takes care of themselves by watching their belongings and making safe plans for the night.