The organisers of the Olympic Games which are taking place this summer have still not announced when the remaining tickets for football matches at the games are going to go on sale. The reason for the delay is because the online systems are still being tested to make sure that they will function properly.

Football is not the only sport that has seen a delay in the release of tickets and the tickets were supposed to go on sale earlier this month however, they have been pushed back until the start of next month. A spokesperson representing the games has stated that the system is going to be back online shortly and all the technical problems should have been resolved.

The original site responsible for selling the tickets experienced an enormous amount of demand which caused it to crash. The spokesperson stated in an interview with the BBC, “Before we put these tickets on sale we want to make sure that the system is working as well as possible. It is essential that we do the appropriate testing so it doesn’t crash again when it starts up.”

The chairman of Locog has stated, “We don’t want to push the release of the tickets forward unnecessarily. It is best to be absolutely sure about systems before we release the tickets and this is what we’re doing. We are also currently working on finalising the seating plans for the venue and this is also pushing back the release of the final batch of tickets a little.”