MP's ask Germans how to run football  MP’s are going to Germany to find better ways to run the game of English football. The members of the Culture, Media, and Sport select committee are due in a couple of weeks to arrive in Munich and Frankfurt on a duty to discover facts,

The straw that broke the camel’s back for England was the loss of the World Cup in 2010 in South Africa to the German footballers. Since that loss the English are checking their motivation and technique. Following the bid to host the World Cup in 2018 and its subsequent loss at a very low vote of only two last month, the introspection has become severe.

The Germans have long been seen as the leader in developing youth into great footballers. They have set severe restrictions against foreign footballers in the Bundesliga. They forbid foreign ownership above 49% in the club’s shares, as well.

The best factor that allows the Germans to retain control of their football club is theĀ  Deutscher Fussball Bund is constantly managing the entire game throughout their country, particularly the Bundesliga.

The Football Association in England has given way more and more over the past 20 years to the Premier League.

Hugh Robertson, Sports Minister, made statements last week that of all sports in Britain, football was the worst run. This has mounted pressure as well.

This temporary measure of a trip is now a nationally significant soul search.

Written evidence has the deadline of Wednesday, while verbal evidence will open in February.

Lord Terry Burns, who penned a special report regarding the management of football, that was cast aside without reading by the FA, is due to be a key witness.