Police prepare for Liverpool and Napoli violence  Police are preparing for possible violence at the rematch between Liverpool and Napoli coming up shortly.  The previous match, at Naples, resulted in the stabbing of several Liverpool fans and word has spread that Liverpool may be looking for revenge at their home game.

Extra security measures will be taken, with authorities going so far as to have officers from UK Border Agency awaiting the arrival of the Naples fans at John Lennon Airport.

Police report that the match will be handled like any other, but with special attention given as to what happen among fans last time the two teams clashed.

Spectators are encouraged to arrive early and carry as little as possible with them so they can quickly be checked through by security.  Any troublemakers, from either side, will be dealt with swiftly and unruliness will not be allowed to take hold.

The assaults on the Liverpool fans were made by a group known as the Ultras who, the Naples Police said, were definitely looking for trouble at the Italian venue.  In Liverpool, Ultras will no doubt be identified and any in attendance will be kept under a watchful eye.

Merseyside Police will have a special operation in effect with the cooperation of the Liverpool Football Club, it was recently acknowledged.

The club has been encouraging Reds fans not to look for revenge at the upcoming match, but to allow the players their own sort by beating the team from Italy without interference from the crowd. Everyone expects an exciting match and hopes for no repeat violence.