A PE teacher has set the new record for the farthest football throw after pitching a ball over half the length of a typical pitch.

The teacher, Danny Brooks, utilizes his own special ‘flip’ style to toss the football a total of 163.32 feet, which is a world record.  The technique is considered legal because he keeps both of his feet grounded while reaching behind his head with his hands to launch the ball.

Brooks is from Halifax, West Yorkshire videotaped the launch, after which he sent photos and the video to Guinness World Records who declared him the new record holder

A former gymnast, he commented that he came to the conclusion that he could perform a flip to get a better toss of the ball.  He continued to say he was sure that if he could get the angles just right like a discus or shot putter he would be able to beat the current record.

Brooks was inspired to try for the record by Stroke City player Rory Delap who is known for his long throws.

The previous record holder for long distance pitching was Michael Lochner from America who completed the distance of 158.04 ft.