Dean Windass reveals the dark side of football  Footballer Dean Windass has revealed that he hit rock bottom when his playing career came to an end and that he had attempted suicide. The 42 year old, whose many former clubs included Bradford, Middlesborough and Hull, has shocked the footballing world by admitting he tried to hang himself, the same way that Gary Speed took his own life, and giving up on his fight against depression.

Windass has told The People newspaper that in the two years since retiring he has cried every single day, and whilst those outside people seemed to think they lived a charmed life, he was in such a deep, black hole that he couldn’t see any way out of it. He says that it was just over a week ago t hat he hit the bottom and decided to end it all, first trying a overdose that didn’t work, and then deciding to hang himself.

Windass spoke frankly about he felt so along and truly believed that he has nothing more to live for. He sees the two failed attempts as a wake up call, that he realises how much he has to sort himself out and that is why he has chosen to speak to the paper. He added that the public perceived him as a big, tough man who could take anything that was thrown at him, and that he wasn’t ashamed to admit he wanted to end it all.

Windass, who in 2008 scored the stunning winner in the Championship play off final which saw his team Hull promoted to the premier league, is calling on the PFA, Professional Footballers Association, to assist their member more in what can be a traumatic and difficult transition from playing to retiring. He says that there are hundreds of footballers who find it hard after retiring, and the PFA needs to do more to help them.