Fans asked to name Olympic football  Occasionally customers are asked to assist in creating new products for brands. Normally they might help make commercials, the designs of either packaging or clothing, or even flavours. However, the names are kept close to the creative team for the brand.

Now, however, football lovers have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give the name to the London 2012 official Olympic matchball, thanks to Adidas of UK. This is a huge risk for Adidas, since the ball will go down in history connected with the Olympic Games.

Adidas, as the official sportswear provider for the Olympic Games, hosted in London, designed the ball, but is will not be made public until Spring 2012. The renaming of the ball is open to UK residents over 13. They should give their version of the name at the page for the contest on Adidas’ website. The prize is a pair of tickets to the UEFA 2011 Wembley Championship League Finals, in addition to the ball with the signature of the winner. The winner will also receive a request to be part of the launch of the ball.

You may make your suggestions for the ball’s name until 28 February. The winner will receive an email letting them know of their win by the end of April this year.