Is Colleen Rooney pregnant again?  Since footballer Wayne Rooney was caught cheating on his wife Colleen with an expensive prostitute while she (Colleen) was pregnant with their son Kai, the marriage has been in some doubt.

The latest word is that the two are going to ‘work things out’ after Rooney apologized and swore he would never make that mistake again, but new speculations have arisen after Colleen was spotted in Manchester airport carrying a little extra baggage up front.

The WAG was returning from a trip to Lourdes, where she left a prayer for her adopted sister Rosie, a 12-year old who has suffered a stroke.  Watchers at the airport noted that Colleen looked as if she had either been overindulging in comfort food or had another baby on the way.

Reportedly, one of Colleen’s WAG pals suggested that if she is pregnant again, she ought to be wary of Wayne’s avowed remorse – after all, he cheated before in the same situation.