Cesc Fabregas finds new distraction off the pitch  Footballers move quickly on the pitch, as it is part of the game, but there are some that carry that off the pitch into their private lives. Cesc Fabregas the Gunners captain for example split last month with his long time girlfriend and already has, it appears, found a replacement.

The young midfielder with the brunette, headed to the south of France. She is rumored to be named Daniela. He is trying to get some respite from the Premiership football rigors. The mysterious brunette is much like his last girlfriend Carla Garcia, in appearance.

She gave him a massage as he basked in the hot Mediterranean sun and they later took a swim to cool off. He looked as though he spent too much time in the sun with his chest being a funny shade of red and the mystery woman placing her hands on him as they rose from the loungers.

After just a short time working on their tans, that took to the sea and jumped aboard a jet ski for a quick adrenaline rush. For this she changed her clothes and wore a pale lilac two piece and wedge heels the looked pure Essex-style.

Earlier last month reports were that he and his long tern girlfriend had split and one news source claimed his father had confirmed the seven year relationship had ended. He explained his son was cut up about the loss but it was brave on his part as the relationship had just simply ended.

Barcelona are reportedly seeking his services wanting his to return to play with the team. The team is so keen for his services they apparently are putting the services of David Villa up for sale.