Owen Coyle, manager of Bolton, believes that the strength and courage displayed by Fabrice Muamba in his young life will give him a good base for he moves on from football. Fabrice suffered a cardiac arrest on the field during an FA Cup tie at White Hart Lane on March 17.

Following this he had 15 electric shocks while still on the pitch during the time that paramedics were trying to revive him. Doctors revealed later that the ex-England under-21 midfielder’s heart stopped for 78 minutes.

As Fabrice made a remarkable recovery in hospital he received messages of support from all walks of life. Coyle feels that the 24-year-old will have gained strength through this battle as well as his young life when he had to flee war-torn Zaire, where he was born and is now renamed the Democratic Republic of Congo. Coyle believes he was born to be successful in whatever he does.

Striker and captain of Bolton, Kevin Davies, also paid tribute to Muamba saying that he holds him in the highest regard, both professionally and personally. He said that he is sure that Fabrice will be disappointed that he will not be able to play; the team was hoping he would somehow get back. Davies went on to say that he is a great guy to spend time with.

Davies sent him a text of support when he heard the news, advising him to take positive steps towards his future. He said that the club and his team mates will support him in his next journey when he decides what he wants to do. Davies said that he is very bright and sensible.


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