Ashley Cole sent shivers through the spines of his friends after he sent a suicidal text at 3am to each of his friends a few hours after his wife said their marriage was over.

The message simply said ‘Thank You for Everything” and was sent at 3am in the morning to a close knit group of friends all of whom  were immediately concerned sending one rushing over to his mansion in Surrey to check on his condition.

Although he seemed to be in a dark place with a negative state of mind, according to several reports he was ok but his state of mind was in left field with friends stating that Cole is acting like a broken man.

The same source stated that he is not in the best state of mind and is currently like a zombie hiding in silence away from the world.

Fears for Ashley Cole as he sends strange text  This is not the first time that fears about his mental status have arose, as he was apparently in a bad state of mind when his soon to be ex-wife, Cheryl Cole, flew to the United States and he begged her not to leave him.

Cheryl was so concerned about his mental state in fact that she agreed not to make a final decision about their marriage until she got back from the States after a week.

Cole was in fact so concerned during this period that he sent Cheryl text messages the entire time promising that they could work it out and begging for a second chance.

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