Colegate sees Cheryl harden her stance  In the ongoing Cheryl vs. Ashley Cole wars, it’s still hard to tell where the battle lines are really drawn.  The last time they were photographed together was on February 12th at the hospital where Ashley was treated for a broken ankle.  Cheryl picked him up, but since then she has hardened her heart, in spite of attempts on his part to see her and “sort things out”.

According to sources close to the Chelsea star, Ashley has been pretty confident that the two will get back together, perhaps after a period of separation during which Cheryl will change her mind or at least soften up towards him.  Whether his hopes are unfounded remains to be seen.  She refused to see or speak to him when he arrived at their mansion to pack some of his belongings, and her mother showed him to the door.

Ashley left that non-encounter in the boot of a Range Rover, the possessions he had retrieved piled on the back seat.  Not a comfortable exit, especially for someone with an injured ankle.  He has been recuperating in a French sports clinic since the injury, and there is still doubt about whether he will make it to the World’s Cup this summer.

Meanwhile Cheryl’s state of mind has been described as extremely stressed.  Friends and associates say that she’s furious and tired of being a pushover, but the strain is telling on her.  She’s having trouble sleeping and has abrogated a lot of her promotional duties, behaviour that is very unlike her usual energetic involvement.

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