Cheryl Tweedy or Cole, it may be back on again  Ashley Cole, Chelsea footballer and hailed as one of England’s best, now appears to be going for a personal best in another kind of ball game – the one that involves relationships, marriage, cheating, etc.  He married singer and X Factor ex-star Cheryl Tweedy in 2006, and she divorced him in 2010.  Now the word is that he’s determined to win her back.

In 2009, The Sun published an expose of Ashley’s indiscretions with hairdresser Aimee Walton, which led to a dust-up that ended (temporarily) with Ashley buying a £160,000 diamond ring for Cheryl, and  one for himself too, apparently as an indication of solidarity.  However, in February 2010 the media rained on his parade again and published accounts of other equally unsavoury affairs, and by September last year the two were divorced.  The rings were no longer in evidence after that.

Latest sightings and reports have given rise to speculation from a lot of different sources that Cheryl is going to forgive and hopefully forget.  Her sudden removal from the line-up on the U.S. X Factor series left her deep in the doldrums, according to ‘inside sources’.  She was reported to be calling on her ex-hubby for comfort, and he, according to some of the same sources, was happy to provide it.

Ashley has been quoted as saying that he expects to re-establish their former relationship – whether than means marriage has not yet been announced, but both parties have taken to wearing those great big diamonds again.  To add fuel to the embers, recently the two also spent the night together at their old home, and speculation is even more rife, though insiders (and Cheryl’s press relations people) report there was nothing going on but chat.

Comments from fans and other observers range from “ . . .she’s an idiot to believe he’ll change”’ to “ . . .they are such a perfect couple”, with most of the comments from Ashley making it clear that he expects to overcome any doubts Cheryl may be harbouring.  We shall await further developments.

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