FIFA poppy argument doesnt stand on any kind of moral ground  FIFA may be in charge of governing football across the globe, but lately the leading authority has been involved in a great deal of corruption and scandal creating a negative image for the organization and world football in general.  In fact, in terms of morality FIFA has little ground to stand on but yet it did not announce that England, Scotland, and Wales football teams should not place poppies on their shirts over the weekend because it would be a political symbol that does not adhere to the standards of keeping football a neutral sport.

However, despite the claims by FIFA not too many people seemed actually concerned about the idea of the UK teams wearing poppies given the fact that most would not even likely notice.  FIFA claimed that doing so would offend the Germans in the future if England were to play against their national team, but a senior football official in Germany stated that the German Federation would have no problem with this occurrence and that they would not be offended by the issue.  Despite this fact FIFA seems to have a problem with the simple poppy symbol that they do not seem willing to give up.

According to FIFA the poppy is too political controversial to be worn on the shirts, but in fact the poppy is actually the opposite of a symbol of politics as it is not meant to stand for any nation, party, or even class.  Instead, the poppy is supposed to be worn to help honour those who have died in past wars fighting to protect Britain.  The UK is not the only country that uses the poppy as its symbol of veteran remembrance as Canada also distributed poppies to help remember their fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day.

David Cameron himself stated that the poppy is not meant to be an issue of the right, left, Conservative, or Labour but that is instead something that can be worn to help show gratitude towards those that have served their country faithfully.  It is meant to be something that unites the country which is why it is so odd that the FIFA organization that is supposed to be based in neutral Switzerland would have such a large problem with the England team wearing the poppies in remembrance in their game against Spain the day before Remembrance Sunday actually takes place.  More ironic is the fact that the England team is playing on British soil and must listen to what is instructed to them by FIFA in Zurich.

It should not be too much of a surprise that FIFA is corrupt however given the fact that their Bureaucrat-In-Chief is a Frenchman named Jerome Valcke who serves as a general secretary with quite a spotted history.  In 2004 he was found guilty by a New York City judge of a sponsor agreement with VISA even though FIFA is supposed to have an exclusive contract with MasterCard and fined a large $60 million as a result with the entire organization still standing behind him.

What is ironic is that FIFA has taken such a harsh attitude over the issue when the team had the good graces to make them aware of their decision to wear the poppies in the first place.  Most likely, had England not said anything and simply showed up at the game wearing the poppies there is a very good chance that their choice would not have even been noticed.  Even if it had there would not have been any time to change it anyhow and likely the entire issue would have been void.

The FA were the failures in World Cup bid  The Football Association failed to learn its lesson from previous attempts says a report from MPs about the failed bid to host the World Cup in 2018. The Cup was awarded to Russia as England only could muster two votes. A number of necessary components seemed to be missing from England’s bid the report said. It criticises FIFA’s respond to their trouble with bribery claims and said the FA should hold a review.

England was knocked out in the first round even though they had the help of David Beckham and Prince William as their figureheads of their December presentation in Zurich.

The culture, media and sport committee released the report and stated that it appeared lessons were not learned with regard to unity and composition of the bid team and what it needed to project. The FA responded by saying that were already working on issues that were related to the report.

An FA spokesperson said the FA made their position clear for the need of reform within FIFA at a recent congress held by FIFA and they welcome the committees shared views in this regard. The FA’s present focus is on working harder to become stronger with all football clubs in order to build more enduring and stronger international relationships.

The MPs also supported the decision of BBC to screen a documentary by Panorama with regard to corruption allegations within FIFA in the same week votes were submitted. Allegations into the unethical behavior made by the leader of the former England 2018 bid Lord Triesman towards four FIFA members which eventually lead to the FA commissioning James Dingemas to investigate the matter further.

The South African Football Association (SAFA) said they would cooperate with FIFA if the world ruling body of football conducts an investigation into game fixing with regards to two of its warm up games before the World Cup.

SAFA said they hoped their games against Guatemala and Colombia were fair. SAFA condemned in their strongest ways the match-fixing allegation during the friendlies and pledged its support to FIFA to eliminate the scourge of fixing.

SAFA said in the statement that as things are they want to think the matches were played with fairplay and the outcome of an investigation will there were efforts put forward by both respective teams.

This statement followed a Sunday report that said both of South Africa’s friendlies were under suspicion as part of a bigger FIFA probe into world football match fixing. The world ruling body had no comment on the legitimacy of the South Africa 5-0 victory over Guatemala.

The game included three penalties for handballs. However FIFA also said they are investigating a friendly earlier this month between Argentina and Nigeria with Nigeria winning 4-1 which had very suspicious betting patterns.

SAFA denied they knew anything of the investigation by FIFA into the two friendlies but did promise stern action against anyone of their own officials if any were in fact involved.

Should any administrative members of their staff be found to have been involved with the friendlies the Association will without any hesitation take the appropriate measures against the culprits to protect its integrity and for the game’s good.

Both the Nigeria-Argentina and the South Africa-Guatemala games were handled by the same official, the Nigerian Ibrahim Chaibou. None of the players have been accused of any wrong doing.  The same official, Chaibou was also referee when Bahrain beat a fake Togo team 3-0 last September.

FIFA says England should ‘get over it’  Jim Boyce, new FIFA vice president has urged football executives in England to move on from missing out and the disappointment of not hosting the 2018 World Cup. Englishman Geoff Thompson was officially replaced by Boyce from Northern Ireland on the FIFA Executive Committee at the FIFA Congress earlier this month where Sepp Blatter was re elected for President of the organization as he ran unopposed.

The England Football Association led a late try to postpone the coronation of Blatter but they gained little support and came under criticism by supporters of the chief. There are some that think there is a touch of arrogance amongst the footballing family of England Boyce said. He like many was disappointed when England did not get the bid for hosting but it is time to get over it.

He said he is willing to help in any way he can going forward but they need to get over the disappointment. He also commented that there seems to be an attitude of English football being owed something since the last Cup hosting in 1966.

Placido Domingo may join FIFA to restore confidence  Placido Domingo the opera star will wait before he decides whether or not to accept a new FIFA committee role. The Spaniard is waiting on more information from recently re-elected president Sepp Blatter before committing to the council of wisdom.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter made a formal invitation to the Spanish opera great Placido Domingo who is considering it to help try and solve problems at the world’s football governing body.

Blatter won re-election unopposed for another four years last week and promised to clean up FIFA and the corruption scandal. The role of council of wisdom has been offered Domingo as well as Henry Kissinger the former U.S. Secretary of State and Johan Cruyff the former Dutch football legend.

However the opera star is still considering the appointment and is non committal until Blatter supplies him with more information. He said last week that with the exception of 1978, since 1970 he had been at every World Cup final. Blatter said the new committee will have the powers to investigate problems at FIFA and to solve the bribery scandal.