Mayor of London Boris Boris calls on South Africa to back London  Johnson has asked South Africa to back the England bid to host the World Cup in 2018, stating that England would be a great host, and would produce an amazing tournament, given the fact that London is one of most cosmopolitan cities across the globe.

Johnson continued to emphasize the bid, stating that London already has the facilities, including the Olympic Park stadium, which is under construction, as well as other great stadiums such as Wembley and the Emirates.  He also stated that FIFA marketing would excel in London, and the city itself loves the game.

In addition he added that London will leverage contacts for FIFA, and help bring world football to greater recognition across the world, while at the same time the tournament could help stimulate the economy by about £3b.

The Mayor continued to say that he has been watching South Africa host the world cup, and commented that Cape Town is unique, but London is of course, in his un-biased and humble opinion is the greatest city in the world.

Johnson also commented that the vuvuzela horn is quite interesting and allows fans to express themselves, but he has to wonder if that detracts from the game a bit, given the fact it has sort of an endless monotone.

Johnson also commented that Robert Green was in the right, stating that he made a great save in the game against the USA.

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