FIFA says England should ‘get over it’  Jim Boyce, new FIFA vice president has urged football executives in England to move on from missing out and the disappointment of not hosting the 2018 World Cup. Englishman Geoff Thompson was officially replaced by Boyce from Northern Ireland on the FIFA Executive Committee at the FIFA Congress earlier this month where Sepp Blatter was re elected for President of the organization as he ran unopposed.

The England Football Association led a late try to postpone the coronation of Blatter but they gained little support and came under criticism by supporters of the chief. There are some that think there is a touch of arrogance amongst the footballing family of England Boyce said. He like many was disappointed when England did not get the bid for hosting but it is time to get over it.

He said he is willing to help in any way he can going forward but they need to get over the disappointment. He also commented that there seems to be an attitude of English football being owed something since the last Cup hosting in 1966.

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