FA backlash for not voting for FIFA boss  The FA has been criticised for their decision to abstain from voting for the new FIFA president, according to one of the candidates. Mohammed Bin Hammam says that if the FA stick to their decision, they will be forfeiting their right to affect any changes from within, and ultimately have little or no say in future consultations. The FA announced last week that they would be abstaining from the vote on the 1st of June.

The battle for FIFA supremacy is between Bin Hammam, the Chief of the Asian confederation and Sepp Blatter, the 13 year incumbent. Former Chairman David Triesman has told a parliamentary enquiry that England’s recent bid to hold the World Cup had been blighted by corruption. Bin Hammam posted on his website that he was disappointed and surprised by the decision by the FA to abstain.

He wrote that the footballing family was both diverse and vast, probably more than anyone could truly comprehend, but that was one of the greatest strengths of the sport. He said it was disappointing that someone had chosen not to engage with the others, and that the decision of one of FIFA’s national nations has taken the decision not to attempt to affect any changes.

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