Henry McLeish Henry McLeish wants summer Scottish football  thinks that Scottish football should be played during the summer season because the current schedule has forced players and teams to take on their matches in the cold for far too long.

McLeish, the former First Minister, ordered that the SFA be scrambled and after last week’s cold game it is predicted that a change is even more imminent.  He recommends that the season should start in July with a winter break to help bypass some of the colder times but he did not go into great lengths about the possibility of changing the calendar to match up with all summer months.

Last Tuesday, only a little over 3,000 fans turned out to see the Motherwell vs. Hearts league match due to the poor weather.

McLeish stated that with the climate being what it is Scotland will continue to have problems drawing in youngsters to play that have the potential to shine on the national team and possibly help England to the World Cup Finals.

He explained that the country is already thinking about moving the calendar around for women’s and kid’s football so that practice takes place in decent months weather wise and that if they are talking about moving around the minor football leagues why not consider it when it comes to the senior game.

He added that while he is not an expert on the climate change and what its effects may be, if this year is an indication of how the weather in Scotland is going to be over the next ten years then something should be done because it will be impossible to nurture great players with the current conditions.

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