Capello calls for FA to get World Cup bid in order  The Football Association is still dealing with the weekend affair that left Lord Triesman without his job as chairman of the World Cup bid, and his position as chairman of the organization.

FIFA are also now involved in order to investigate allegations that the Spanish FA’s and Russian FA’s within the broadside of Lord Triesman went against bid regulations.

The mess clearly has affected England’s chances of winning the right to host the largest football tournament in the world, with Russia pulling ahead as the favorite.

Geoff Thompson, the former FA chairman, has been charged with figuring out the mess before the decision comes in December of 2010.

Before this happens however, Capello has issued a request to the FA try to figure out their position, stating that the team is still confident they will be allowed to host the 2018 World Cup given that England is a great location with excellent stadiums and facilities.

While England has had their stance weakened by recent events, many feel that Triesman’s exit will help England out down the road, due to the fact not everyone approved of his confrontational style.

Capello stated that he however did have a great relationship with Lord Triesman and regrets what happened but that England’s chance to get the bid for 2018 has not been altered, since those in charge of making the final decision will be able to see and comprehend what occurred.

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