It would seem that it is never too early for a Christmas party and that was proved by the host of famous faces that turned out for the charity Christmas lunch held by Carolyn Hughes PR. The event, which is now in it’s 5th and was held to raise funds for the ‘Wirral Witches’, Women in touch with Claire House, had quite a decent sprinkling of very glam looking Liverpool WAGs.

The Footie wives in attendance at the Gusto restaurant on Albert Dock where the lunch was held included Dani Lawrence, Jude Cisse, Shauna Muamba, Laura Warnock, Nicola Carragher and most famous Liverpool WAG of them all; Alex Gerrard., who looked stunning the understated style that she carries off so well, wannabe WAGs take note. Also in attendance to support the cause were celebrity designers Tony Burke and Philip Armstrong.

Peter Price popped in with his fellow pantomime star Liz Mclarnon during the lunch break from rehearsals, and he found time to lead a Christmas sing-a-long to really kick off the party. Simon Ross from Radio City was on duty as host and the entertainment included the soul sounds of Stephen Bayliss, DJ Mina and Jade Porter belted out some floor fillers that had everyone up on their feet.

Carolyn Hughes spoke of the event and said the Christmas lunch had been a huge success and had raised £3000 for the Wirral Witches and the success it enjoyed every year was mainly due to the amazing support they got from such lovely people. She added that as in previous years, once this lunch was held Christmas had officially started and she was touched that it meant so much to so many people.

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