Peter Lawwell has recently made the announcement that he thinks that Neil Lennon is the greatest manager that Scottish football has ever seen. Mr Lawwell is the Chief Executive of Celtic football club and he has stated that he feels the manager is so notable because he has so successfully put up with the various threats that have been made to his life over the past decade.

Mr Lawwell made the comment that he feels no one in the history of Scottish football has had to endure as much abuse as Mr Lennon has. He commented, “He has faced an extraordinary amount of pressure that no one should have to go through.

“It is a testament to his strong character that he can deal with these problems and continue to work in a completely professional manner. We are grateful to the police for all of the efforts they have made to protect him and I feel this in part is one of the reasons why he has just been able to get on and succeed.”

As well as being sent bombs through the post, Mr Lennon has also been attacked during sporting fixtures. Mr Lawwell continued, “Over the last two years the pressure has been particularly extreme as he has had to deal with different attacks from numerous different people.”

Mr Lennon commented, “These last few years have been a very difficult time for my family and I. I am very glad that it is all over with the arrest of the people who were responsible for mailing me nail bombs.

The police have been incredibly professional and I am grateful that they have successfully brought these individuals to trial. No one deserves attacks like this, they are disturbing and cowardly. I still feel privileged to hold the position of Celtic manager.”

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